Power generation in coal fired power stations depends on continuous operation, so all coal power station systems must be very reliable and dependable to safeguard against breaks in supply. Cyclo drives offer the most dependable and reliable solution for gearboxes and drives used for coal power station fuel conveyors, loaders, bucket elevators and grinders.
What are coal power stations used for?
Coal power stations supply reliable and scalable power to the electric grid system and also offer a simple solution to powering remote industrial sites and installations. Coal power output can be easily controlled by adjusting the fuel feed to the steam generators that drive the turbines, this makes coal power stations good for load balancing the electrical grid, in contrast to nuclear power, which is good for providing continuous base level power, and renewables, which are dependent on ambient weather conditions.
How do coal fired power stations work?
Coal power stations require very large volumes of coal to operate. A typical 1,000 MWe coal power station burns 9,000 tonnes of coal per day! Converting this volume of fuel into electricity is a demanding and very carefully managed process.
Even getting the fuel to the power station is a major undertaking, which is why many coal power stations are built next to coal mines to avoid the need to use trains to supply coal from further away. The process for converting coal into electricity has seven stages, from transporting coal to grinders and pulverizers to condensing steam from the generator turbines for reuse.
What are the 7 stages of coal power generation?
What are the gearbox and drive requirements of coal power stations?
Did you know?
- The process of steam generation, condensation, and recirculation used in coal power generation is called the Rankine Cycle.
- Most coal fired power stations are located next to rivers or lakes to increase the speed of cooling the steam for recirculation through the turbine generators.
- Some older coal fired power stations burn crushed coal from stage 2, but it is not a very efficient method. Pulverizing improves the efficiency of combustion in the furnace by increasing the heat generated, which also reduces carbon emissions and pollutants.
Why are cyclo drives and cyclo gearboxes the best choice for keeping coal power stations running?
What are 3 reasons to choose cyclo drives for coal power generation applications?
The precision of cyclo drives, with minimal backlash and high overload tolerances makes them ideal for the constant material flow control demands of power stations, which must manage power output dynamically as grid demand changes through the hours of day and night.
Cyclo drives & gearboxes offer the most reliable & versatile solution for coal fired power generation today
It is easy to see why cyclo drives and gearboxes are the optimum choice for coal fired power generation. The added value of Transcyko cyclo drives, with our excellent pedigree and unmatched service record, ensures stable, dependable operation of critical equipment.
What features of cyclo drives make them ideal for coal power station applications?
When precision and reliability count, you can expect Transcyko cyclo drives to deliver the peace of mind you are looking for in coal fired power generation. Contact us to discover our range of cyclo gearboxes and responsive service and maintenance solutions for both our own and competing products.